ThriftBooks: New & Used Books
by Thrift Books Global, LLC.
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Version 1.4.0
Updated November 13, 2021
Shop over 13 million new and used books at up to 80% off list price
Features ThriftBooks: New & Used Books
The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels.
Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices.
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See personalized recommendations based on your interests and get an instant email notification when we receive an item on your wish list.About ThriftBooks⢠Over 300,000 TrustPilot reviews with a 4.7/5 TrustScore⢠100% Satisfaction GuaranteeBenefits:⢠Get an instant notification when we receive an out-of-stock item on your wish list ⢠Find the best book prices using the bar code scanner to check real-time prices and inventory⢠Get free US shipping on orders over $15 in 100% recyclable packaging⢠See personalized recommendations based on your interests⢠Sign in using your existing ThriftBooks account to access your saved wish lists, payment methods, and shipping addresses⢠Receive exclusive deals and offersFeatures:⢠Bar Code Scanner: Compare prices and check inventory ⢠Everyday Deals: 10% off more than 150,000 titles with ThriftBooks Deals⢠ReadingRewards: Earn FREE BOOKS for reading, shopping, and other activities⢠Special Formats: Large print, foreign language, and audiobooks⢠Collectible Books: Treasured first editions, signed copies, and out-of-print titles at reasonable prices⢠Whatâs Trending: See the hottest booksShop bestsellers from the latest new releases to all-time favorites from a broad range of categories, including:⢠Arts, Music & Entertainment⢠Biographies & Memoirs⢠Business & Investing⢠Childrenâs Books⢠Classics⢠Cookbooks⢠Gay and Lesbian⢠Health, Fitness & Dieting⢠History⢠Literature & Popular Fiction⢠Mystery, Thriller & Suspense⢠Rare & Collectible Books⢠Religion & Spirituality⢠Romance⢠Sci-Fi & Fantasy⢠Self-Help⢠Teen & Young AdultUpdated Push Notification provider
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What Our Users Say
Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our users have to say about our Android app.
"I discovered thrift books recently while trying to find a book I've been wanting. I could find digital copies, but I wanted a copy of an actual book. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer holding books and turning pages, not reading from a screen. The selection is insane! I found exactly what I wanted, plus several others, as well as titles in that genre I never knew about! I just put in my first order but I'm already planning my next."
Michele Davis
"My go to for books and movies. I do not have a discount store anywhere near me so this app/website has helped a lot. My family and I love reading and I can almost always find what I'm looking for, in good quality, and for a great price!"
Kathryn Patterson
"Superb!! From ordering, pricing, to the updates on delivery, to me getting my book!! Will recommend and definitely will be ordering again. I ordered the Bible Handbook and have yet to put it down!! I am very pleased. âşď¸đ"
Tiffany Williams
"Still wont refund me for the double book and took my review down. Guess I wont be getting a refund. I just wanted to return and get something else since I got 2 copys."
Jessie David
"Doesn't take debit cards?! I like this company but first time using the app and it errors out either of my debit cards. Accepted a credit card of course but how frustrating not to be able to pay cash. Take your PayPal and shove it."
"Excellent service, excellent books. Whatever condition you want inexpensive you can find here. I've never had a problem. I buy in satisfory condition and they look to me except for the binder, almost new. You can be put on a waiting list if your book is out and of course a wish list. PLUS, they have great discounts when you buy multiple books."
Lyn Bloomfield
"While most of the time it is a good place to get items, there is not always a response when a damaged item is received."
Shelly Bartley
"I find getting these books very good, and affordable"
Fred Schweizer
"Great app. Easy, a plethora of books and more."
"This is just a wonderful sight I mean the books are great they're cheap they're in good condition and they everyone that I wanted they had I just I recommend it to everyone it's just a great bookstore and it's fast and it's evaluation of the book being sent is true and in great condition one way or the other so to speak hooray for thriftbooks!"
Allison Scott
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